Package com.python.pydev.analysis.visitors

Source Code of com.python.pydev.analysis.visitors.Scope

* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
* Please see the license.txt included with this distribution for details.
* Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact.
* Created on 27/07/2005
package com.python.pydev.analysis.visitors;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.python.pydev.core.ICompletionCache;
import org.python.pydev.core.IPythonNature;
import org.python.pydev.core.IToken;
import org.python.pydev.core.structure.FastStack;
import org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.revisited.modules.SourceToken;
import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.TryExcept;

import com.aptana.shared_core.string.FastStringBuffer;
import com.aptana.shared_core.structure.Tuple;
import com.python.pydev.analysis.scopeanalysis.AbstractScopeAnalyzerVisitor;
import com.python.pydev.analysis.visitors.ImportChecker.ImportInfo;

* Class used to handle scopes while we're walking through the AST.
* @author Fabio
public final class Scope implements Iterable<ScopeItems> {

     * the scope type is a method
    public static final int SCOPE_TYPE_GLOBAL = 1;

     * the scope type is a method
    public static final int SCOPE_TYPE_METHOD = 2;

     * the scope type is a class
    public static final int SCOPE_TYPE_CLASS = 4;

     * the scope type is a list comprehension
    public static final int SCOPE_TYPE_LIST_COMP = 8;

     * the scope type is a lambda
    public static final int SCOPE_TYPE_LAMBDA = 16;

     * when we are at method definition, not always is as expected...
    public boolean isInMethodDefinition = false;

     * Constant defining the scopes that should be considered when we're in a method
            | SCOPE_TYPE_LIST_COMP;

     * Constant defining all the available scopes

     * Constant defining that method and lambda are accepted.

     * used to check for invalid imports
    public ImportChecker importChecker;

     * @param scopeType
     * @return a string representing the scope type
    public static String getScopeTypeStr(int scopeType) {
        switch (scopeType) {
            case Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_GLOBAL:
                return "Global Scope";
            case Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_CLASS:
                return "Class Scope";
            case Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_METHOD:
                return "Method Scope";
            case Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_LAMBDA:
                return "Lambda Scope";
            case Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_LIST_COMP:
                return "List Comp Scope";
        return null;

     * this stack is used to hold the scope. when we enter a scope, an item is added, and when we
     * exit, it is removed (and the analysis of unused tokens should happen at this time).
    private FastStack<ScopeItems> scope = new FastStack<ScopeItems>(10);

    private FastStack<Integer> scopeId = new FastStack<Integer>(10);

    private int scopeUnique = 0;

    private AbstractScopeAnalyzerVisitor visitor;

    private int getNewId() {
        return scopeUnique;

    public Scope(AbstractScopeAnalyzerVisitor visitor, IPythonNature nature, String moduleName) {
        this.visitor = visitor;
        this.importChecker = new ImportChecker(visitor, nature, moduleName);

     * Adds many tokens at once. (created by the same token)
     * Adding more than one ONLY happens for:
     * - wild imports (kind of obvious)
     * - imports such as import os.path (one token is created for os and one for os.path)
    public void addImportTokens(List<IToken> list, IToken generator, ICompletionCache completionCache) {
        ScopeItems.TryExceptInfo withinExceptNode = scope.peek().getTryExceptImportError();

        //only report undefined imports if we're not inside a try..except ImportError.
        boolean reportUndefinedImports = withinExceptNode == null;

        boolean requireTokensToBeImports = false;
        ImportInfo importInfo = null;
        if (generator != null) {
            //it will only enter here if it is a wild import (for other imports, the generator is equal to the
            if (!generator.isImport()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Only imports should generate multiple tokens "
                                + "(it may be null for imports in the form import, but then all its tokens must be imports).");
            importInfo = importChecker.visitImportToken(generator, reportUndefinedImports, completionCache);

        } else {
            requireTokensToBeImports = true;

        ScopeItems m = scope.peek();
        for (Iterator<IToken> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            IToken o =;
            //System.out.println("adding: "+o.getRepresentation());
            Found found = addToken(generator, m, o, o.getRepresentation());
            if (withinExceptNode != null) {
                withinExceptNode.addFoundImportToTryExcept(found); //may mark previous as used...

            //the token that we find here is either an import (in the case of some from xxx import yyy or import
            //or a Name, ClassDef, MethodDef, etc. (in the case of wild imports)
            if (requireTokensToBeImports) {
                if (!o.isImport()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Expecting import token");
                importInfo = importChecker.visitImportToken(o, reportUndefinedImports, completionCache);
            //can be either the one resolved in the wild import or in this token (if it is not a wild import)
            found.importInfo = importInfo;

    public Found addToken(IToken generator, IToken o) {
        return addToken(generator, o, o.getRepresentation());


    public Found addToken(IToken generator, IToken o, String rep) {
        ScopeItems m = scope.peek();
        return addToken(generator, m, o, rep);

     * Adds a token to the global scope
    public Found addTokenToGlobalScope(IToken generator) {
        ScopeItems globalScope = getGlobalScope();
        return addToken(generator, globalScope, generator, generator.getRepresentation());

     * when adding a token, we also have to check if there is not a token with the same representation
     * added, because if there is, the previous token might not be used at all...
     * @param generator that's the token that generated this representation
     * @param m the current scope items
     * @param o the generator token
     * @param rep the representation of the token (o)
     * @return
    public Found addToken(IToken generator, ScopeItems m, IToken o, String rep) {
        if (generator == null) {
            generator = o;

        Found found = findFirst(rep, false);

        boolean isReimport = false;
        if (!isInMethodDefinition && found != null) { //it will be removed from the scope
            if (found.isImport() && generator.isImport()) {
                isReimport = true;
                //keep on going, as it still might be used or unused

            } else {
                if (!found.isUsed() && !m.getIsInSubSubScope()) { // it was not used, and we're not in an if scope...

                    //this kind of unused message should only happen if we are at the same scope...
                    if (found.getSingle().scopeFound.getScopeId() == getCurrScopeId()) {

                        //we don't get unused at the global scope or class definition scope unless it's an import
                        if ((found.getSingle().scopeFound.getScopeType() & Scope.ACCEPTED_METHOD_AND_LAMBDA) != 0
                                || found.isImport()) {
                            visitor.onAddUnusedMessage(null, found);

                } else if (!((m.getScopeType() & Scope.ACCEPTED_METHOD_AND_LAMBDA) != 0 && found.getSingle().scopeFound
                        .getScopeType() == Scope.SCOPE_TYPE_CLASS)) {
                    //if it was found but in a class scope (and we're now in a method scope), we will have to create a new Found.

                    //found... may have been or not used, (if we're in an if scope, that does not matter, because
                    //we have to group things together for generating messages for all the occurrences in the if)
                    found.addGeneratorToFound(generator, o, getCurrScopeId(), getCurrScopeItems());

                    //ok, it was added, so, let's call this over because we've appended it to another found,
                    //no reason to re-add it again.
                    return found;

        Found newFound = new Found(o, (SourceToken) generator, m.getScopeId(), m);
        if (isReimport) {
            if (m.getTryExceptImportError() == null) {
                //we don't want to add reimport messages if we're within a try..except
        m.put(rep, newFound);
        return newFound;

    public ScopeItems getCurrScopeItems() {
        return scope.peek();

     * initializes a new scope
    public void startScope(int scopeType) {
        int newId = getNewId();
        scope.push(new ScopeItems(newId, scopeType));


    public int getCurrScopeId() {
        return scopeId.peek();

    public ScopeItems endScope() {
        return scope.pop();

    public int size() {
        return scope.size();

     * @param name the name to search for
     * @param setUsed indicates if the found tokens should be marked used
     * @return true if a given name was found in any of the scopes we have so far
    public boolean find(String name, boolean setUsed) {
        return findInScopes(name, setUsed).size() > 0;

    public List<Found> findInScopes(String name, boolean setUsed) {
        List<Found> ret = new ArrayList<Found>();
        for (ScopeItems m : scope) {

            Found f = m.getLastAppearance(name);
            if (f != null) {
                if (setUsed) {
        return ret;

    public Found findFirst(String name, boolean setUsed) {
        return findFirst(name, setUsed, ACCEPTED_ALL_SCOPES);

    public Found findFirst(String name, boolean setUsed, int acceptedScopes) {
        Iterator<ScopeItems> topDown = scope.topDownIterator();
        while (topDown.hasNext()) {
            ScopeItems m =;
            if ((m.getScopeType() & acceptedScopes) != 0) {
                Found f = m.getLastAppearance(name);
                if (f != null) {
                    if (setUsed) {
                    return f;
        return null;

    public void addIfSubScope() {

    public boolean getIsInIfSubScope() {
        return scope.peek().getIsInIfSubScope();

    public void removeIfSubScope() {

    public void addTryExceptSubScope(TryExcept node) {

    public void removeTryExceptSubScope() {

    public ScopeItems currentScope() {
        if (scope.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        return scope.peek();

    public String toString() {
        FastStringBuffer buffer = new FastStringBuffer();
        buffer.append("Scope: ");
        for (ScopeItems item : scope) {

        return buffer.toString();

    public ScopeItems getGlobalScope() {
        return scope.getFirst();

    public Iterator<ScopeItems> iterator() {
        return this.scope.iterator();

     * find out if an item is in the names to ignore given its full representation
    public Tuple<IToken, Found> findInNamesToIgnore(String fullRep, Map<String, Tuple<IToken, Found>> lastInStack) {

        int i = fullRep.indexOf('.', 0);

        while (i >= 0) {
            String sub = fullRep.substring(0, i);
            i = fullRep.indexOf('.', i + 1);
            if (lastInStack.containsKey(sub)) {
                return lastInStack.get(sub);

        return lastInStack.get(fullRep);

     * checks if there is some token in the names that are defined (but should be ignored)
    public Tuple<IToken, Found> findInNamesToIgnore(String rep) {
        int currScopeType = getCurrScopeItems().getScopeType();

        for (ScopeItems s : this.scope) {
            //ok, if we are in a scope method, we may not get things that were defined in a class scope.
            if ((currScopeType & ACCEPTED_METHOD_AND_LAMBDA) != 0 && s.getScopeType() == SCOPE_TYPE_CLASS) {

            Map<String, Tuple<IToken, Found>> m = s.namesToIgnore;
            Tuple<IToken, Found> found = findInNamesToIgnore(rep, m);
            if (found != null) {
                return found;
        return null;

    public ScopeItems getPrevScopeItems() {
        if (scope.size() <= 1) {
            return null;
        return scope.get(scope.size() - 2);


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